You'll do almost anything for velocity. Except actually focus. 🎯

You'll do almost anything for velocity. Except actually focus. 🎯
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Despite wanting to be more productive, few achieve it.

Even fewer do it at Scale. More familiar to hear, "These are our 17 OKRs for this Quarter". Most people and companies don't do the things that create focus. They'll parrot "do more with less," ignoring the second half. 

Look at your calendar if you want evidence.

When you're ready to Focus:

Subtract the noise. 🔕

If that 17th OKR were that important, it would be #1. Prioritization isn't when everything you want gets crammed in. It's when only the best options are selected. Consider it a great sign when you have solid ideas you chose not to work on right now. 

Quit your FOMO habit.

Normalize Slack time. ☯️

When people are fully booked, they will be unavailable every time someone needs them. Typically you'll have to book a meeting in two weeks. 

100% utilization is a huge mistake.

Create a sequence. 🔢

Focus on high leverage. Resolve those dependencies by making the trade-off order explicit. This one, over that one. 

Don't let #3 block #1.

You don't need more agility. You need focus.

🤔 How many things are you working on right now? Why?

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