Five years ago, I began working for myself

Five years ago, I began working for myself

"It's impossible to enjoy my work regularly." <– What I used to think.

I saw work as a "necessary evil" and suspect this is true for many.
Not that I hated it all, but you get it.

Today, I see this as a limiting belief.

So what changed?

Five years ago, I started working for myself and began to think:
"Wow! I'm finally holding the reins."

Once the honeymoon passed, I realized how privileged I was to be able to take this step.

After five years of flying solo, folks often ask me what's different.

Three unfounded beliefs I had about work:
1. I need a job to make money.
2. Working harder makes me more money
3. Jobs are more secure and less risky than flying solo.

1️⃣ - You need a Skill to make money.💰

You have many of those.
A job is just one way to get paid for that skill.
Don't be fooled into thinking that salary negotiation is the only path.
Anything you can do can be monetized if you want to make a living from it and are prepared to do the work.

2️⃣ - You can't work 24/7 and have healthy family relationships. 💪

A lioness doesn't chase every animal.
She waits, watches, and only hunts the best option.
Look for leverage.

What you choose to work on matters more than how hard you work.

Be like the Lioness 🐾

3️⃣ - A 12-month cash flow runway is more liberating than a paycheck. 🛫

When the economy is at its tightest, that's when jobs fail.
The current climate around layoffs and cuts is evidence of the flaws.
It will also put pressure on your business's cash flow.
Make sure you build up a significant buffer for those long winters.

🔀 You're free to unfollow the defaults. But remember, there is a price you pay for the life you choose.

PS. I'm sure this path isn't for everyone, and that's ok.
My message is for those who are founder-curious.

If you're thinking about stepping out on your own, drop me an email. I'd be happy to share more.

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