
In my talk "Beyond Copy Paste Agile" I recommend several tools:

Independent Service Heuristics

Finding good stream boundaries with Independent Service Heuristics — Team Topologies - Organizing for fast flow of value
The Independent Service Heuristics (ISH) are rules-of-thumb (clues) for identifying candidate value streams and domain boundaries by seeing if they could be run as a separate SaaS/cloud product. The ISH approach is a “rapid results” approach, and complementary to the approaches from Domain-driven De

User Needs Mapping

Exploring team and service boundaries with User Needs Mapping — Team Topologies - Organizing for fast flow of value
User Needs Mapping refers to the first four steps of the Wardley Mapping process that can provide significant value when helping understand users/customers, their needs and the dependencies required to deliver those needs within an organization. By mapping out the dependency tree/value chain we can

Team Interaction Modeling

Team Interaction Modeling with Team Topologies — Team Topologies - Organizing for fast flow of value
Team Topologies provides a combination of principles and practices that can help structure and evolve an organization for effective collaboration, autonomy, delivery focus, and product alignment. Using the Team Topologies shapes and diagramming principles, it is possible to create a series of snapsh

Feel free to contact me for more info :)

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